Fna is building up.

Fna is a French Adobe consulting open source initiative/project developed to eliminate the ramp-up time found when building new RIA applications.

Fna will be a set of project skeletons, and maven archetypes.

Today Fna contains a few maven archetypes, the first releases are :

  • a Flex BlazeDS XDoclet Spring Hibernate Archetype :

    • The newest version is based on the latest flex-mojos maven plugin (2.0-alpha3) and the latest maven archetype plugins (2.0-alpha-3, as well) which made possible a lot of enhancements.

  • a Flex cairngorm flexunit archetype (Warning: work in progress)

  • a Flex library (swc) archetype (Warning: work in progress)

Enjoy and as Steven would say ``share the love'' !